Annual General Meeting (AGM)

1/24/2013 11:01:00 am , , 0 Comments

Calling for ----->

We are proud to inform that we will be having our first

on 02/02/2013 (Saturday), 1:00PM

We are not expecting to have this crowd

.......but..this crowd! wow!!

So, what are you waiting for? Show your support by confirming your attendance here

Be one of the contributor to VOTE for AIRA's future leader


Portal AIRA adalah salah satu medium penyampaian maklumat berkaitan alumni dan segala aktiviti berkaitan Alumni Sekolah Berasrama Penuh Integrasi Rawang (AIRA). Mari bersama kita kembali menyumbang ke sekolah yang pernah membentuk kita sehingga siapa kita sekarang secara langsung mahu pun tidak langsung.